Factory Reset inside App
under review
David Warwick
It would be handy, if it is possible, to allow for a complete factory reset of a WiZ product from the item's settings/prefences. I know many products can be forced into a reset by clicking power on and off a few times; but to be able to run a factory reset and have the product enter pairing mode just by selecting it in a menu would be great. My bulbs seem to disconnect and fall out of sync a lot if someone turns them off via the physical light switch. I would love to easily reset and pair them from within the app.
Kenny Lam
under review
Antonin Carre
Hi David! Thanks for taking the time to check out our beta version, and thanks for the feedback!
Currently, it is already possible to reset a device to factory settings in V1, by selecting the "Delete" action in the light settings. Our cloud will then send a reset command to the device, and wipe all settings and data to go back to factory settings (this does require that the device would be powered on / connected).
After resetting, the device reboots and enters pairing mode.
In V2, this "delete" function will of course be making a comeback. We also consider adding - a bit later down the road - a "reset to default settings" function, that would allow you to realign the settings of a given device to the default of the room, if something in its current settings does not seem fine (let's say you've set a very long fade-in time, a weird WiZclick setup...).
Note that, to avoid accidental resets, flicking the switch does not trigger any reset on the lights. It will indeed force them into pairing mode, but the existing configuration will not be deleted - it will only be replaced with the new configuration if you complete pairing again.
David Warwick
Antonin Carre: Very helpful! Thanks so much!