Home view brightness sliders too sensitive
Jesse Thomson
In the Home view, each room has a super convenient brightness slider. I found myself accidentally setting the brightness as I scrolled through my rooms.
It would help if the brightness wouldn’t change while scrolling. I think one possible solution could be to have it as a slider where you need to slide it from its current brightness to the new brightness.
I’m really looking forward to this second version of the app!
Kenny Lam
Antonin Carre
Hi Jesse! Thank you so much for testing our beta, and for your valuable feebdack :)
Indeed, we've also found in our own testing that the brightness sliders had a tendency to be triggered a bit too easily, be it by scrolling through the rooms or an accidental longer press.
We will definitely work on fine tuning this to avoid uninentional control of your lights when you're just navigating through the app.
On the bright side, it seems like most people agree with your "super convenient" statement, which makes us think we went in the right direction for the interface! :) But all of those new interactions need polishing, so we'll make sure this is done in one of the upcoming updates.
Feel free to let us know if you have any other comment!
Richard Willie
Antonin Carre: +1 to this comment. I found the sliders too sensitive as well.
Antonin Carre
Richard Willie: noted with thanks! Feel free to use the "voting" function of this beta system as well. It's the little arrow pointing up next to the post title.
When you vote on the original post, it becomes more visible for other users, but also for us to make sure we won't forget it (but we won't - we got the same problem ;) )
Jesse Thomson
Antonin Carre: some updated feedback: the app better responds to me scrolling my rooms and not triggering a brightness setting.
Thank you and nice work!
Antonin Carre
Jesse Thomson: Thanks Jesse! yes this is something we prioritized for improvements. Made perfect sense, especially since the current interface still requires a bit more scrolling than we'd like in certain cases :)
Further improvements will come!