Light is not showing as connected; definitely connected
under review
Kenny Lam
under review
Antonin Carre
Hi Kristen and thanks for the comment! This looks like some weird bug, since the app v2 should be retrieving the status of the lights the same way V1 was doing it...
Can you confirm that the lights are indeed available for control in the app V1, both if you are connected to Wi-Fi and if you are only on data network? Thanks!
Kristen Morgan
Antonin Carre: yeah, it works on V1, it wouldn’t show as connected for the entire day. It’s finally showing now, but the light switches have been turned on and off several times, and I closed the app several times as well. And I’m connected to Wi-Fi.
Antonin Carre
Kristen Morgan: got it. maybe some glitch on our side... we'll make sure to keep an eye on this. Let us know if it happens frequently!
Mine does the same thing and I close the app and open it again and it's there.