Motion Sensor time
Aaron Prudence
Ability to reduce motion sensor time from 5 minutes. Is too long of a period for some areas, corridor, cupboards etc.
Also the ability for the ‘ON’ function of motion sensor to do notion.
I.e lights have to be manually turned on but if after ‘X’ minutes of inactivity will turn off to save power.
Evelina Rakauskaitė
I would also live to change The duration when motion sensor turns off The light from 5 to 1 minute. Spacesense is okay, but you need at least 2 lights and, for example, in The hallway I need only One LED strip and I dont really want ir to light for 5 mins straight. Also, I dont really like to turn on spacesense on lights in bathroom, because its turning on even if im trespassing ( not opening The bathroom doors. Sensitivity is up to 1/10). So in this situation I would love to use motion sensors instead of spacesense. Pleaseee reduce it to 1 min im begging 😁 The app and The whole assortinent would be perfect with this change
Antonin Carre
Hi Aaron and thanks for the comments. As Jim said, if you are using SpaceSense you should be able to go down to 1 minute easily. (Jim we hear you on the smaller increments, we'll look at that).
If you are using a PIR sensor (that small, box-like accessory), then 5 minutes is the minimum value you can select because that is the quickest interval at which the sensor will report. In other words lights couldn't turn off any quicker since they wouldn't know motion has stopped yet.
The "do nothing" so that sensors can be used as sorts of timers is on our development roadmap, that should be coming fairly soon. Thanks!
Jim Diaz
If you're talking about spacesense, under Spacesense, you should be able to dial the delay down in 1 minute increments all the way to 0 minutes.
An argument could be made that it might be nice, after 1 minute, to have more increments, maybe go by every 10 or 15 seconds until you get down to 0 seconds, but you can certainly go lower than 5 minutes, easily.