1) Tapping the + icon at the top right of the Home page should provide options to add devices, rooms, scenes, or automation events. (Instead of needing to tap the 3 dots next to rooms to add a room.). One plus sign to add "anything".
2) Why are scenes part of the Library tab? Of the 4 tabs (Home, Library, Automation, and Settings) it feels like they belong in Automation. Or maybe Scenes could even replace the Library tab entirely.
I suspect most users navigate to their room/light instinctively and then apply the static and dynamic functions from within.
3) I just can't get over how much wasted space there is throughout this app. Especially on the home page. I don't need to be welcomed to the app - I need quick access to as many rooms or devices as I can get without needing to scroll.
Give us a concise way to switch between Homes, access user information and alerts - similar to how UniFi has approached it.