First off, I really enjoy the new app. Very clean and I (personally) have found it easy to navigate. I had to switch to only using the Google Home app as the Wiz V1 refused to let me sign in. GHome is very clean but obviously doesn't have many of Wiz's customization options. Luckily, for whatever reason, V2 fixed the login issue! Very happy. Ok the minor bug. We have a wake up routine set up for every weekday morning. It's worked great until recently. For whatever reason, the routine (which follows the standard morning routine option) skips the dim, soft reds and goes straight to white light at full brightness. My wife really hates it and it actually results in her staying in bed more to hide from the light. I see that the other dynamic options (party, fireplace, fiesta, and most importantly going-to-bed) all have custom brightness options while morning does not. Could that be added? It would be nice to set a limit on the max brightness. Also, if we could control the duration of each phase, that would be nice. Something like having the whole routine extended over an hour or 2 (ie takes that long to reach white light at set brightness) instead of just when they turn off.